Friday, December 30, 2011

Too Tempting

Here are two recent photos from the dinner table on Christmas Eve in Minneapolis. What do you see the same here? Like Mother like Child? Hint...look at the hands.

Monday, September 12, 2011

She's happy in her helmet!

It took some adjustment time, but she seems pretty happy, with or without the helmet!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Getting her grub on

Skadi LOVES her food. Peas and brown rice (mixed together) is her favorite, or maybe mac and cheese, but she seems to be perfectly happy with her carrots here as well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hike to the Living Room

Mike and I took a hike to the Living Room in the foothills this weekend. Skadi had a great time (but it was really hot!).

Hike up Twin Lakes Pass

A few weeks ago, my two friends Karen and LeeAnn took a hike with Skadi and me up to Twin Lakes pass. Karen took some wonderful pictures of little Skadi getting after it.

Skadi needs a helmet!

Skadi will be wearing a helmet for the next few months, to reshape her somewhat flat head. Here she is getting fitted for it. She maintained good spirits through most of the ordeal.

Skadi celebrating her first Pioneer Day

Every year, Utahns celebrate Pioneer Day on July 24th. This year, Skadi got very excited for the fireworks (as you can see from these pictures). Unfortunately, she didn't stay awake long enough to see them. Maybe next year!

She loves swimming and her baths!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bath time at the cabin

Bath time at the cabin!!! These photos were so cute, I couldn't figure out which ones to post and which ones to not post. So I posted them all!

July 4th Week at the Cabin

We just returned from a week at the cabin in Northern MN, for the Fourth of July.

The week started out by Skadi and Daddy chillaxing at Mom's house in MN.

Once we got to the cabin, Skadi rode around on my sister's tummy, sporting some cool sunglasses. She also went swimming in our baby pool (I can't get that photo turned the right way, I don't know why).

Finally, we went for boat rides (where Skadi hung out in a basket or on my lap), and we hung out on the dock (where Skadi hung out in a skiing tube). Don't worry, we didn't actually take her tubing!!!